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Revolutionize Competitive Intelligence with Kompyte and Gong

Transform conversations into powerful competitor insights for the whole team.

Revolutionize Competitive Intelligence with Kompyte and Gong


Transform conversations into powerful competitor insights for the whole team.

Automatic tracking of your competitors' online activity PLUS observations from the field makes for an unstoppable competitive intelligence program that fuels your sales, marketing, and product teams.

Kompyte's integration with Gong makes it easy for your team to send in important snippets from sales and customer success calls, making them instantly available to everyone on the team via your Collect Feed, Reports, and Battlecards.

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ai-battlecards-creation-icon-16Empower Your Teams - Win More Deals & Increase Market Share

ai-company-icon-18Streamline Competitive Intel & Market Research

ai-chat-gpt-assitent-iconSimplify  Collaboration & Knowledge Sharing

Another Powerful Way to Gather & Share Competitive Intelligence

Win More Deals and Increase Market Share

Use the direct feedback from prospects about your competitors to enhance and refine Battlecards, positioning, and messaging - all of which can considerably increase competitive win rates and shorten the sales cycle.

Oh, and did we mention that your Reports and Battlecards can update automatically with each new insight?

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Streamline Competitive Intelligence & Market Research

Get a comprehensive view of the competition in the actual words of prospective customers, enhancing your understanding of competitors and strengthening your strategy.

Add that to Kompyte tracking over 500 million data points, finding changes to:

  • Websites
  • Reviews
  • Content
  • Social, including LinkedIn pages
  • Ads
  • Job postings

Next, AI filters out the noise, surfacing actionable updates that might otherwise go unnoticed.

And now with AI Daily Summaries, keeping up with the competition takes minutes a day, not days each week.

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Cross-functional Collaboration Made Simple

When you make it easy for teams to contribute direct feedback from the field, you’ll notice a wealth of varied perceptions and insights to help build a richer, more nuanced buyer persona and make better cross-functional strategies. 

With easy-to-configure Battlecards, Reports, Alerts, and instant access in your favorite messaging and sales tools, everyone on your team has the latest competitive intel right where they need it.

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